Everyday Creation
Everyday Creation is about purpose, awe and good vibrations. The show's title refers to three types of creation: The ways we express ourselves (for example, with art, music and so many other pursuits fueled by purpose and passion); the parts of life that fill us with awe (birth, death, love, the big picture); and our personal power to create our best possible lives while also making the world a better place. Here, you’ll encounter interviews, essays and some episodes created simply for information and fun. I'm your host Kate Jones, welcoming you to Everyday Creation.
Everyday Creation
Allman Brothers Guitarist Dickey Betts Thought of Himself as a "Ramblin' Man"
Dickey Betts, who played lead guitar for the Allman Brothers Band along with Duane Allman, was crucial in the development of Southern rock. After Duane's death in 1971, Betts became the band's leader. Betts also wrote the lyrics to their biggest hit, "Ramblin' Man," which reached number two on the Billboard Hot 100.
To hear "Ramblin' Man" and see some nice images, check out this lyric video. Or you can watch the Allman Brothers sing the song in concert at the University of Florida in 1982. Here's the link.
The public domain photo in the thumbnail is of Betts at the Pistoia Blues Festival in Italy in 2008. Attribution: Simone berna, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons. In the chapters, there's a 1978 photo of Betts, also available on Wikipedia.
This tribute is one of 41 stories that Sheldon Zoldan, a longtime journalist, has written and recorded in honor of the music notables who passed away in 2024. He's written tributes for other years as well. You can listen to the ones from 2023 on Everyday Creation. We'll have the 2022 tributes available later this year.
Sheldon also is the creator of Song of the Day, a story that he sends by email to a list of subscribers. To get on his subscriber list, email shzoldan@comcast.net with the subject line ADD ME TO SOTD.
This is Kate Jones. Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation, available on YouTube and in podcast directories including Apple, Audible, iHeart and Spotify.
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Here's Song of the Day creator Sheldon Zoldan
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with his tribute to Dickey Betts,
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with the Allman Brothers.
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Dickie Betts didn't let his ego get in
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the way, so he never demanded the Allman
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Brothers change their name to the Allman Brothers
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and Dickey Betts Band.
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Betts was as instrumental in creating music known
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as Southern Rock as the two brothers.
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Betts died April 18 in Osprey, Florida.
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The cause of death was cancer and COPD.
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He was 80 years old.
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The Song of the Day is paying tribute
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to the singers, musicians, and songwriters
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who died in 2024.
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Betts learned how to play the ukulele when
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he was 5.
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He began playing in bands by the time
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he was 16.
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He joined the Allman Brothers in 1969.
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He and Duane shared lead guitar,
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something unusual at the time.
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Duane was considered one of the great rock
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Betts wasn't far behind.
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Several of Betts' obits repeated Duane Allman's quote,
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"I'm the famous guitar player, but Dickey is
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the good one."
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Betts became leader of the band after Duane
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Allman died in a motorcycle crash in 1971.
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The group had two of its most successful
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albums shortly after Duane Allman's death.
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Betts swore he would never play with Gregg
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Allman again after Allman testified against his road
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manager in a 1976
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federal drug case.
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Betts wasn't true to his word.
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The band stayed together until he was fired
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in 2000
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for drug and alcohol abuse.
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Betts wrote the lyrics to "Ramblin' Man" in
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20 minutes.
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He thought of himself as a rambling man
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because his family moved so often when he
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was a child.
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The band was wary
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about recording it because they thought it was
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too country.
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The song became the band's biggest hit, reaching
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number two on the Billboard Hot 100. This
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is Kate Jones.
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We have a lot of other tributes in
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Everyday Creation.
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Please check them out.
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And thank you for joining us.