Everyday Creation

The Lord's Prayer with a Twist

Kate Jones Season 1 Episode 74

For 2025, I'm offering a version of The Lord's Prayer that I learned a long time ago and also wishing you a wonderful new year.

This is Kate Jones. Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation, available on YouTube and in podcast directories including Apple, Audible, iHeart and Spotify.

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Here's a version of the Lord's Prayer that I learned decades ago.

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I call it "The Lord's Prayer with a Twist," though it has more than one.

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God, Goddess, All That Is, who art in heaven,

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hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom has come, thy will is being done

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on earth as it is in heaven.

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You have given us this day our daily bread.

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You have forgiven us our trespasses,

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as we forgive those who trespass against us.

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You have led us not into temptation.

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You have delivered us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.

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This is Kate Jones, wishing you a harmonious 2025.

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