Everyday Creation
Everyday Creation is about purpose, awe and good vibrations. The show's title refers to three types of creation: The ways we express ourselves (for example, with art, music and so many other pursuits fueled by purpose and passion); the parts of life that fill us with awe (birth, death, love, the big picture); and our personal power to create our best possible lives while also making the world a better place. Here, you’ll encounter interviews, essays and some episodes created simply for information and fun. I'm your host Kate Jones, welcoming you to Everyday Creation.
Everyday Creation
Appreciating the Herd on a Day of Giving Thanks
A food and wine extravaganza in Michigan becomes so much more when every friend matters, and everyone's story counts.
Learn more in this short episode inspired by Jackie Stevenson's book, "Someday We'll Live Like Horses: Authentic Presence in Leadership and Life."
This is Kate Jones. Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation, available on YouTube and in podcast directories including Apple, Audible, iHeart and Spotify.
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Hello, and welcome to Everyday Creation,
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a show about purpose,
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awe, and good vibrations.
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I'm Kate Jones here with a story from
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a recent road trip.
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First, though, a little background.
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Since 2017,
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except for a pandemic break,
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my husband and I have driven from our
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home in Ohio
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to Michigan's lower peninsula
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for what I like to call our annual
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"food and wine extravaganza."
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That's an accurate, though limited description
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because it doesn't capture our entire experience up
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Much more than food and wine,
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these events are really about the fellowship
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of individuals
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who are directly or indirectly connected
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to long-ago cooking classes.
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These reunion-like gatherings
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are filled with warmth, kindness, and conviviality,
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and even though my husband and I generally
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don't see these people more than once a
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year, we're very fond of them.
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In 2023
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I had a realization about that,
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prompted by a book I had brought along
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on the trip.
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The title is "Someday We'll Live Like Horses,"
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by Jackie Stevenson,
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and here's a pertinent line from it:
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"Herds are inclusive,
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everyone belongs,
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everyone is essential,
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Our gatherings have that inclusive quality,
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an acknowledgment
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that everyone counts,
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everyone's important.
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When members of our herd are missing,
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we feel their absence
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Luckily this year,
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five members of the herd we hadn't seen
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for too long were back.
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Because of that, our gathering had a special
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sweetness to it, tempered only by the fact
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that four others couldn't make it this time.
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And so we're looking ahead to 2025
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when, the hope is, we'll have a joyous
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with a complete herd.
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Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation.
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Please share this episode with members
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of your herd.