Everyday Creation

What's Up with "What if"?

Kate Jones Season 1 Episode 72

In this episode, I do my best to explain my "What if" series which, so far, includes three essays on themes related to spirituality: divine connection (#1), our grand adventure (#68), and fairness (#71).

Apart from the series, I've also published a few similarly themed essays: Episode 55, "Smile on a Summer's Day," and Episode 57, "Picturing a Kinder, Gentler World," and Episodes 30 and 69: "Less Stress, More Happiness" and a follow-up to Episode 30 titled "Less Stress, More Happiness: An Afterthought." Just saying in case you want to check them out too.

Most of all, I hope these musings offer something worthwhile to think about.

This is Kate Jones. Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation, available on YouTube and in podcast directories including Apple, Audible, iHeart and Spotify.

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Hello, and welcome to Everyday Creation, a show

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about purpose,

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awe, and good vibrations.

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I'm Kate Jones, here to talk about my

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"What if" series,

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which touches on spiritual matters

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more overtly than a lot of my other

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Although I titled this particular essay, "What's Up

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with 'What if?'"

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I'm thinking that perhaps I should have given

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it a different title.

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Something like,

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"What on Earth Are You Talking About?" or

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"Who Do You Think You Are?"

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To answer that second question,

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I'm nobody in the field of spirituality,

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not a guru by any stretch of the

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or a coach, or a guide. I don't

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have a book or a course.

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I have leaned toward spiritual teachings ever since

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my teens when my mom, who enjoyed going

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to metaphysical

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classes and lectures,

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began sharing with me some of what she

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(As an aside, my mom was beautiful, artistic,

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and an early proponent of health food, but

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that's another story.)

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Over the past several decades,

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I've been lucky enough to have learned and

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grown a lot.

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Sometimes I have something to say about that.

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So, since I happen to have a podcast,

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I write a short essay and record it.

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the first "What if" began differently. The idea

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sprang from one of my journal entries.

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I found myself scribbling some thoughts that didn't

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seem to be coming from me, but rather

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through me,

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which I thought was kind of cool.

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The thoughts were spiritual in nature, and I

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felt compelled to record them, as written, to

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use as my first episode

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of Everyday Creation,

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which I launched in February

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I published it, and then got stuck  —

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big time.

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For months, I didn't want to call any

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attention to Episode 1 because ...

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I felt shy about it. It was a

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"who am I to be talking about this?"

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kind of thing.

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And along with my reluctance to promote that

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episode on social media or to anyone, really,

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I barely promoted my other episodes either,

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even though I had the pleasure of interviewing

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terrific people

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over that time.

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Then, finally, I thought to myself,

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this is ridiculous.

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I went back into Episode 1 and rewrote

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it, and rewrote it again,

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and then another time,

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and who knows how many more times.

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The silver lining in all this is threefold:

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First, I'm pleased with the latest version of

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part 1, titled,

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"What if We Have a Divine Connection?"

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And I do believe I'll eventually use all

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the thoughts in the original Episode 1 in

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subsequent parts of the series.

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because I also began posting video versions on

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redoing the "What if" episodes

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so many times

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at least partway, increased my comfort level with

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video too.

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So there you have it. Some context for

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"What ifs."

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Not that you asked for it, but I

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thought it was appropriate.

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Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation.

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Please share this episode

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as you wish.

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