Everyday Creation

What if ... it's all fair?

Kate Jones Season 1 Episode 71

This short essay about fairness is the third in a series. If it intrigues you in any way, please check out the first two "What ifs," which are Episode 1 and Episode 68. I explain the long gap between the two in the description for #68. 

I also have other essays related to this theme. In case you want to check them out, they're Episodes 55 and 57: "Smile on a Summer's Day" and "Picturing a Kinder, Gentler World," and Episodes 30 and 69: "Less Stress, More Happiness" and a follow-up to Episode 30 titled "Less Stress, More Happiness: An Afterthought."

This is Kate Jones. Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation, available on YouTube and in podcast directories including Apple, Audible, iHeart and Spotify.

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Hello, this is Kate Jones with Everyday Creation, a show about purpose, awe, and good vibrations.

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Today's episode is about fairness.

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Here are a few thoughts to consider:

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What if ... we choose the experiences we have?

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What if ... we

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also agree with others to have these experiences together?

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What if ... there is no blame

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because everyone agreed ahead of time?

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And what if ...

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everything is fair

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even when that doesn't seem possible?

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If these "What ifs" pique your interest, please check out other episodes that touch on this theme.

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They're noted in the show's description.

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Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation,

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and please share this episode as you wish.

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