Everyday Creation
Everyday Creation is about purpose, awe and good vibrations. The show's title refers to three types of creation: The ways we express ourselves (for example, with art, music and so many other pursuits fueled by purpose and passion); the parts of life that fill us with awe (birth, death, love, the big picture); and our personal power to create our best possible lives while also making the world a better place. Here, you’ll encounter interviews, essays and some episodes created simply for information and fun. I'm your host Kate Jones, welcoming you to Everyday Creation.
Everyday Creation
Lessen Stress, Increase Happiness: An Afterthought
This is a follow-up to Episode 30, titled "Less Stress, More Happiness." In that episode, I talk about a simple daily practice that I learned from a friend. To do it, all you need is to take a moment to breathe in and out, and then say or think one simple statement.
For all its simplicity, this practice is incredibly useful in lifting one's focus from stressful thoughts to higher, happier ones.
I have found, though, that adding a few words to the original statement gives it context and can make it more understandable, so that's what this follow-up episode is all about. I use both versions.
This is Kate Jones. Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation, available on YouTube and in podcast directories including Apple, Audible, iHeart and Spotify.
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Hello, this is Kate Jones with Everyday Creation,
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a show about purpose,
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awe and good vibrations.
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Today, I'm offering a follow-up to Episode 30,
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which is titled "Less Stress,
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More Happiness."
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In it, I talked about a simple
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daily practice that I learned from a friend.
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Ever since, I've used it to lift my
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from stressful thoughts
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to higher, happier ones.
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Here's what my friend taught me.
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Breathe in
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and out,
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and then say or think just 14 words:
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"I am choosing
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to spend my day,
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my life
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carrying the vibration
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of creation."
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This is a great practice just the way
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it is. But, sometimes, I feel goofy and
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add 10 more words.
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So here's the original statement with my embellishment:
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"I am choosing to spend my day,
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my life,
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carrying the vibration
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of creation,
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of love,
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goodness, force
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with patience,
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and peace."
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Is that last part really necessary?
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Not at all. But it's there if you
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want to add it. And remember to breathe.
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That alone is powerful.
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Thank you for listening to Everyday Creation.
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If you feel like it, please check out
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the original episode
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and share both
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as you wish.